sack; bag
sacrifice one's life for
sad; sorrow
safe and sound; free from danger
safe and tranquil; good luck
safe and well
safe and well (kang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
safety (an pinyin practice)
sagacious; wise and farsighted
sage; sagacious
sagging; drooping
sail of boat
saint; sage; holy man
sale by acution
salt (video)
salt (yan, Mandarin pinyin practice)
salty; salted
salute; render a salute
salute; venerate
same (video)
same; alike; equal
sample; showpiece
sarcastic remarks; mock
satirize; irony
satisfaction of to all (Chinese idiom)
satisfy; satisfied
sauce; jam
saucer; small plate
savage; barbarous
save; economize
save; hoard
save; reduce
save; rescue (zheng, Mandarin pinyin practice)
save; rescue (jiu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
save; reserve
save; store up
save money
save money; deposit money
saw (tool)
saw; cut with a saw
say (video)
say; said
say; tell (shuo, Mandarin pinyin practice)
say good-bye
say no; reject
scalding; boiling hot
scales; fish scale
scar of wound; cuts and bruises
scarcity; barren
scared; dread
scare; frighten
scared of; fear; afraid of
scarf; tower
scarlet; bare
scatter; disperse
scenery; landscapes
scheme; plan
scheme; plan; strategy
scheme; trick
scholar; learned person
science; scientific knowledge
scissors (jian, Mandarin pinyin practice)
scissors (dao, Mandarin pinyin practice)
scold, rebuke
scoop; ladle
scoop up; fish up
scope; range
scoop out; grub
scorched; charred
scramble; clamber
scratch the itching place
screw up one's eyes
scrimp and save; frugal
scripture; classic books
sculpture; carve
scurry; run away
sea; ocean
sea birds; gull
sea shore
sea turtle
sea waves; ocean waves
seal; stamp (yin, Mandarin pinyin practice)
seal; stamp (zhang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sear; iron; brand
search; search out
seashell; cowrie; conch
seasoning; flavoring; condiments
seat; position (wei, Mandarin pinyin practice)
seat; position (xi, Mandarin pinyin practice)
seat; position (zuo, Mandarin pinyin practice)
seaweed; edible seaweed
secluded; quiet; tranquil
seclusion; live in seclusion
second (time)
secondary; next
secret; confidential
secret agent; spy
secret of success
secret recipe; knack
secret scheme; conspiracy
section (duan, Mandarin pinyin practice)
section (jie, Mandarin pinyin practice)
section; department; science
seduce; entice
seductive appearance; coquettish
see; look at
see; meet
see; view; look
see someone off
see with one's eyes
See you again
seedling; sprout
seek; look for
seek; search
seek an alliance with; join together
seem; as if
seize; take
seize (opportunity)
seize or rob by force
seize the opportunity to get help
seize the opportunity to start over again
seize an opportunity (chen, Mandarin pinyin practice)
select; choose
select; selection (xuan, Mandarin pinyin practice)
select; selection (ze, Mandarin pinyin practice)
self (video)
self (zi, Mandarin pinyin practice)
self; oneself
self-cultivation; cultivate oneself
self-examination; reflect on oneself
sell; vend
Self-help (book, groups)
self-possessed; imperturbable; calm
Sell; For Sale (sign)
sell; market; consume
sell; sale
send; deliver
send a person; assign; dispatch
senior; superior
senior general
senior master
sense; feel
sense; realizeg
sense; sensation (jue, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sense; sensation (shi, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sense of right; inner voice
sentence; line of verse
sentiment; affection
sentiments; feelings
separate; disunite; split up
serenity; peaceful
series of, succession of events
serious; earnest
serious; solemn
serious disagreement; conflict
serpent; python
servant (pu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
servant (yong, Mandarin pinyin practice)
set; suit; suite
set an object of pursuit
set in order; orderly
set up; arrange
set up; establish (she, Mandarin pinyin practice)
set up; establish (li, Mandarin pinyin practice)
setting sun
settled; free from worry
seven, 7
several; some
several people; few people
severe; acute
severe; harsh
severe winter; dead of winter
sex; gender
sex appeal; flirtatious; amorous; coquettish
shake; sway
shake hands
shame; disgrace
shamefaced; blushing
shameful; ashamed
shape; form
share (video)
share (joy, food, things)
sharing happiness
sharing happiness with each other
sharp; acute; keen
sharpen; grind
shatter to pieces
shave (hair)
she, her (video)
she, her (ta, Mandarin pinyin practice)
she is
She is a princess.
She is a witch.
She is bold to do things hastily
She is doing things boldly
She is doing things very quickly
She is following behind me.
She is practicing playing the flute.
She plays the piano very well.
She is standing beside me.
She is telling stories to children.
She is very good at storytelling.
She is walking ahead of me.
sheath; cover
shed tears; weep
sheep (video)
sheep; goat
sheep (with thick woolly coat)
sheep's wool
shelf; stand
shell; hard surface
shelled shrimps
shepherd; herd domestic animals
shield (weapon)
shift; transfer
Shifu; kung fu master
shine upon
shining; bright (jiong, Mandarin pinyin practice)
shining; bright (liang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
shining; bright and dazzling
shining; well-illuminated
ship; boat
shirk one's responsibility
shirt; upper garment
shiver; tremble
shoes; footwear
shoot; eject; emit
shooting star; falling star
shop; store
shore, coast
shore; dry land
short (height)
short in height (ǎi pinyin practice)
short in length (duan pinyin practice)
short of supplies
shorter than me
short trousers
shortcoming; weak point
should; ought to (ying, Mandarin pinyin practice)
should; ought to (gai, Mandarin pinyin practice)
shout; cry out (han, Mandarin pinyin practice)
shout; cry out (jiao, Mandarin pinyin practice)
show; appear (xian, Mandarin pinyin practice)
show; appear (lou, Mandarin pinyin practice)
show; display
show; program
show concern and solicitude
show off
show off one's abilities (Chinese idiom)
show up; appear
showily rich; lavish
shrewd; astute
shrink; contract
shrine; temple
shrub; thicket; crowd together
shoes (video)
shut down; close down
shy; bashful (xiu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
shy; bashful (sao, Mandarin pinyin practice)
Sichuan; river
Sichuan style of cuisine
sick; disease
sickened; fall ill
side; edge
side of a body
side road
sideburns; hair on the temples
sieve; sift; screen; filter
sigh; lament
sigh with sorrow, regret
sightseeing; tourism
sign a contract
signal; news; information
silent; quiet
silent; quiet; speechless
silk scarf
silly; foolish
silly; ingenuous
silt; silted up
similar; alike
similar; resembling
simple; brief
simple; uncomplicated
simple and crude
simple question
sin; crime; guilt
sincere; honest
sincere; true
sing a song
singing; sing a song
single; unmarried
sink; cave in
sink; heavy
siphon off; embezzle (money)
sister; young woman
sisters (jie, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sisters (mei, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sister's son; nephew
sit (video)
sit (zuo, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sitting cross-legged
sitting under the tree
Sitting under the tree and resting
six; number 6
sketch; draw
skill; method; art
skilled hand; expert
skilled in; clever at; excel in
skim over; sweep past
skin; dermis
skin color (race)
sit in meditation
skill; technique
skillful hands
skim; neglect
skin; leather
sky; air
sky; heaven (tian, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sky; heaven (kong, Mandarin pinyin practice)
slab; board
slacken; relax
slanting; leaning; deviating from
slanting; tilted; oblique
slate; skating on ice
slaughter; kill
slave away at work; work hard
sleek; smooth; glossy
sleep (qin, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sleep; dormancy (mian, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sleep; go to bed (shui, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sleep; go to bed (jiao, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sleeping; lie down
sleeping quarters
sleeplessness; insomnia
sleepy; feel sleepy
sleeve (of clothing)
slice; cut
slice; piece; flake
slide; skate
slight; approximate
slight; tiny
slightly; a little; a bit
slim (video)
slim; thin; slander
slim chance; uncertain future
slimmer than me
slip, slide
slip away
slope; hillside
slow (video)
slow (man, Mandarin pinyin practice)
slow; tardy
slow; unhurried
slowly (video)
slowly; gently; calmly
slushy; muddy; muddiness
sly; cunning
small (video)
small; little; tiny
small; tiny; youngest
small advantage; petty gain
small bell
small cubes or dices; young man
small hole; pinhole
small island; islet
small plate; saucer
smaller than me
smart; intelligent
smash; break; destroy
smash; destroy
smear; plaster (tu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
smear; plaster (mo, Mandarin pinyin practice)
smell; hear
smile; laugh
smiling expression; happy face
smoke; fumes
smoke; treat meat with smoke
smooth going; propitious
smoothly; unobstructed
snake (video)
snake (she, Mandarin pinyin practice)
snare; trap
snatch away
sneak away; slip away
sniff; smell
snobbish; haughty; arrogant
so; that which
soak; immerse in liquid
soak; wet; moisten
soar; fly
soar, hover
sob; weep; cry
soccer; football
social elite
society; community
soft; downy
soft; supple; pliable
soft and delicate; fair and tender
soft and gentle; supple
soft and immature; lacking experience
soil; earth
soldier of God
solemn; serious
solid; firm
soldier; military personnel
soldier; servant
solemn, with solemnity
solidify; congeal; coagulate
solitary; alone
solitary; lonely (du, Mandarin pinyin practice)
solitary; lonely (gu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
solution of problem
solve; understand
solve riddles; guessing game
some; a few; a little bit
some; certain
somebody; someone
son; child
son; whelp
son and daughter
son of one's sister
song, ballad, melody
soothe; pacify; feel relieved
sophisticated and cosmopolitan
sorcerer; shaman; wizard
sorrow, sad
sorry (video)
sorry for; sympathize
sort; arrange
soul (ling, Mandarin pinyin practice)
soul (hun, Mandarin pinyin practice)
soul (po, Mandarin pinyin practice)
soul; spirit
sound; voice (sheng, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sound; voice (yin, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sound of wind
sound volume; volume of sound
soup (video)
soup (tang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
soup spoon; tablespoon
sour (video)
sour; acid
source; origin
soy sauce
soy-stewed egg; marinaded egg
soya milk; soybean milk
space out; increase the distance between
spacious; broad; wide
spare; forgive
sparkle; flash
sparkling; glittering (Chinese idiom)
sparrow; small bird
speak, talk
speak, talk (hua, Mandarin pinyin practice)
speak, talk (jiang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
speak Chinese
speak more slowly
spear (weapon)
spear; gun
special; especial; particular (te, Mandarin pinyin practice)
special; especial; particular (shu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
special; exclusive
special delivery; express delivery
special price; bargain price
speech; talk
speechless; silent; quiet
speed; velocity
spend money or time
spend one's holidays; enjoy a vacation
spend time; pass
sphere; ball
spiced corned egg; soy-stewed egg
spicy; hot; pungent
spider (video)
spider (zhu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
spin; rotate; revolve
spiral shell; conch
spirit; complexion
spirit; soul
spirit; vigor; soul
spirited and handsome
spiritual medium; psychic medium
spleen (organ)
splendid and dazzling; glittering and imposing
splendor; brilliance
splendor; glory
splendor; magnificent
split; rip open
split up; separate; disunite
spoil; pamper
spoken words; talks
sports; athletics; exercise
spotless; stainless
spots; specks
spouse (pei Mandarin pinyin practice)
spouse (ou Mandarin pinyin practice)
spray; spurt; emit
spread; cast; spray
spread; pass
sprinkle water
spring; fountain
spring water
Spring Festival; Chinese New Year
spring roll
spring season
sprout; germinate
sprinkle water
sprout; bud
sprout sturdily
sputum; phlegm
spy; espionage
spy; secret agent
squander; waste
square (fang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
square (ju, Mandarin pinyin practice)
square; direction
squat; crouch down
squat down
squeeze (juice, oil)
squeeze toothpaste out of a tube
squint; narrow one's lids
stab; pierce; prick
stable; steady
stage (video)
stage; platform
stage fright
stage of work
stairway; flight of stairs
stamens of a flower
stamp on; kick
stamp someone with foot
stand (video)
stand (zhan, Mandarin pinyin practice)
stand; endure; bear
stand; erect
stand; on one's feet
stand in market; vender's stall
stand upright
standing beside
standing by the roadside
standing by the roadside and waiting for someone
standing on the tree
stare; fix one's eyes on
stare; glare
start, begin (video)
start, begin (shi, Mandarin pinyin practice)
start; inspire
startle; frightened
starving; hungry (e, Mandarin pinyin practice)
starving; hungry (ji, Mandarin pinyin practice)
state; condition
state; situation
state (of mind)
state (of nation)
station (video)
station troops
status; condition
status; state; situation
stay; remain
Stay away from me!
stay in the house
stay overnight
stay with someone; accompany
staying power; perseverance
steal (tou, Mandarin pinyin practice)
steal (qie, Mandarin pinyin practice)
steal from the pockets of someone; pickpocket
steed; fine horse
stench; unpleasant smell
step; pace
step across; take big strides
step on; trample
step on; tread; stride
step in; intervene
stern; strick
stew for broth
stew with soy sause
stick; cudgel
stick; glue; adhibit
stick (Chinese weapon)
stick into; insert; interject
stick on; paste
stick method (Chinese martial art)
still; yet
stimulate; agitate
sting, bite by insects
sting; thorn
sting by insect; ask
stingy; miserly
stingy; miserly; ungenerous
stinking; foul-smelling
stir; mix by stirring
stir to mix
stir up trouble; get into trouble
stir-fry; pan-fry
stolen goods
stomach (organ)
stomach ache
stone; rock
stone roller
stop; brake
stop; cease (ting, Mandarin pinyin practice)
stop; cease (zhi, Mandarin pinyin practice)
stop; station; service point
store (video)
store; shop (dian, Mandarin pinyin practice)
store up; save the file
storehouse; warehouse (cang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
storehouse; warehouse (ku, Mandarin pinyin practice)
story; tale (gu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
storytelling (video)
storytelling; telling stories
stove; oven; furnace
straight (video)
straight (zhi, Mandarin pinyin practice)
straight tempered; recklessness
straitened circumstances; difficult position
stranded; trapped; besieged
strange; peculiar (qi, Mandarin pinyin practice)
strange; peculiar (guai, Mandarin pinyin practice)
strange; wonderful
strangle with hands; throttle
strategy; strategics
straw (drinking)
stray from place to place
street; road
street vendor
strength; force
strength; vigor (jin, Mandarin pinyin practice)
strength; vigor (li, Mandarin pinyin practice)
strengthen; solidify
strenuously; exert oneself
stretch; extend
stretch tight; draw tight
stretch the truth; exaggerate
stretched taut; tense and taut
strict; stern
strike; beat
strike, bang
strike; hit
strike root; take root
string together; connect
string of musical instrument
stringed instrument
stripes; streaks
strive; endeavor; make great efforts
strive; make efforts
strive; struggle
strive; work at one's utmost
strike with the fists
stroll; roam (guang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
stroll; roam (liu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
strong; brawny; physically strong
strong; intense
strong; powerful
strong; robust; vigorous
strong and durable
strong and powerful (jin, Mandarin pinyin practice)
strong and powerful (li, Mandarin pinyin practice)
strong and secure
strong point; quality of being excellent
strong sense of justice
stubborn; headstrong
stubborn; obstinate; unmanageable
stubborn; obstinate; unyielding
stuck; jammed
stuck into something
stuff; fill in; clogged up
stuffed dumplings
stuffy; suffocating; oppressive
struggle (zheng, Mandarin pinyin practice)
struggle (zha, Mandarin pinyin practice)
stubborn; obstinate
stumble; fall down
stupefied; distracted
stupid; expressionless
stupid; idiotic; foolish
stupid fellow; idiot
sturdy; secure
sturdy; solid and firm
sturgeon (fish)
style; fashion
style; grid
style; type
style; type; form; mode
subdue; overcome; conquer
submissive; obey
submit; injustice
submit questions; question someone
substantial stuffed dumplings
substitute; replace
substitute; generation
subtract; decrease
suburbs; outskirts
succeed; continue
succeed, success
succeed in business; rich and successful
success, succeed
success (cheng, Mandarin pinyin practice)
successful; reach
successful in business; prosperous
succession of; series of events
succumb to; capitulate
such as; according to
suck; inhale; attract
suck; lick
sudden; abrupt
sudden; abrupt; unexpected
sudden death
sudden peal of thunder
sue; appeal
sue; tell
suffer from (a disease) (hai Mandarin pinyin practice)
suffer from (a disease) (huan, Mandarin pinyin practice)
suffer losses
suffering; torment
suffix after a noun
sugar (video)
sugar (tang, Mandarin pinyin practice)
sugary affectionate; sweet as honey
suit; pair; match; fit
suit; suitable
suit of armor; helmet and armor
suitable; fit
suitable; fitting
suite; room with toilet and bath (or shower)
Sukhasana; sitting cross-legged
sultry; muggy
summer break; summer vacation
summit; peak
summit; zenith
sumptuous; luxurious
sun; solar
sun; day
sun and moon
sunbathing; bask in the sun
sunny and cloudless
sunny day
sunny fine weather
sunset; setting sun
superior; remarkable
supernatural being; immortal
supervise; oversee (du, Mandarin pinyin practice)
supervise; oversee (jian, Mandarin pinyin practice)
supper; dinner
supplement; replenish
supply; make up for
support; backing (kao, Mandarin pinyin practice)
support; backing (ting, Mandarin pinyin practice)
support; help; aid
support; prop up
support and help
support with hand (chan, Mandarin pinyin practice)
support with hand (fu, Mandarin pinyin practice)
supposition; hypothesis
suppress; repress
supreme chief
sure; definite
sure; true
surface; exterior
surmount; overcome
surname; last name
surpass; exceed
surplus; remnant
surprise; amaze
surprise (with joy)
surround; besiege; encircle; enclose
surround; encompass
survive together; coexist
suspend; hang (diao, Mandarin pinyin practice)
suspend; hand up (gua, Mandarin pinyin practice)
suspension bridge
sustain under difficult circumstances
swallow; devour
swallow (bird)
swamp; marshland
swap; exchange
sway; swing; wag; shake
sweat; exude sweat
sweep off; roam
sweep with a broom
sweet; voluntary
sweet and charming
sweet and pretty; lovely
sweet and refreshing
sweet as honey; pleasing and delightful
sweet smell; fragrance
sweet words; smooth talking
sweet-natured; warm and tender
sweetheart; lover
swift; agile
swift; fast; quick; prompt
swift horse; gallant horse
swindle; cheat; deceive
swing; sway
swing on a swing
swim (video)
swim (you, Mandarin pinyin practice)
swim (yong, Mandarin pinyin practice)
swimming pool
switch; open and close
swollen; bloated
swollen; swelling
symmetry; symmetrical
sympathize with
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