The following video demonstrates each syllable of the pinyin structure
and the exercise of pinyin/zhuyin with basic Chinese 4-tune pronunciation
Mandarin pinyin tunes
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to link more related multi-character Chinese words!
juān, juán, juǎn, juàn
first tune
donate; contribute 捐 juān
donate money; contribute money 捐款 juān kuǎn
donate 捐 juān |
money 款 kuǎn |
Chinese characters also pronunced juān
third tune
roll up, a roll curly 捲 juǎn
egg rolls 蛋捲 dàn juǎn
egg 蛋 dàn |
roll 捲 juǎn |
curly hair; wavy hair 捲髮 juǎn fǎ
curly 捲 juǎn |
hair 髮 fǎ |
fourth tune
examination paper; test paper 卷 juàn
test paper; examination paper 考卷 kǎo juàn
test; examination 考 kǎo |
paper 卷 juàn |
tired; weary 倦 juàn
tired; weary 疲倦 pí juàn
tired 疲 pí |
tired; weary 倦 juàn |
concern family dependents 眷 juàn
care for; highly favored favored and blessed show concern and solicitude 眷顧 juàn gù
concern 眷 juàn |
take care of 顧 gù |
family dependents wife and children; one's family 家眷 jiā juàn
family 家 jiā |
family dependents 眷 juàn |
Chinese characters also pronunced juàn