Traditional and classic Chinese calligraphic symbols, words, idioms and proverbs for your art design. Created by Andres Leo since 2001.

Chinese pinyin pronunciations and structures
mp3 audio and YouTube video instruction and exercise
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Chinese pinyin words with

ian,yan, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian

The following rhyming Chinese words are good reference for writing poetry, lyrics, and slogans:
ian, yan
click for video demonstration of each syllable of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
4-tune variations mp3 audio

iān, ián, iǎn, iàn
yān, yán, yǎn, yàn

related Chinese words

click for video demonstration of each syllable of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
4-tune variations mp3 audio

biān, bián, biǎn, biàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

diān, dián, diǎn, diàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

jiān, jián, jiǎn, jiàn

related Chinese words

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liān, lián, liǎn, liàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

miān, mián, miǎn, miàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

niān, nián, niǎn, niàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

piān, pián, piǎn, piàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

qiān, qián, qiǎn, qiàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

tiān, tián, tiǎn, tiàn

related Chinese words

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4-tune variations mp3 audio

xiān, xián, xiǎn, xiàn

related Chinese words

other related rhymes:
click for audio and video demonstration of this rhyme and more related Chinese words
list of pinyin types:

an, ban, can, chan, dan, fan, gan, han, kan, lan,
man, nan, pan, ran, san, shan, tan, wan, yan, zan, zhan

click above pinyin types for audio and video demonstration and more related Chinese words

click for audio and video demonstration of this rhyme and more related Chinese words
list of pinyin types:

uan,wan, chuan, cuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan,
luan, nuan, ruan, shuan, suan, tuan, zhuan, zuan

click above pinyin types for audio and video demonstration and more related Chinese words

click for audio and video demonstration of this rhyme and more related Chinese words
list of pinyin types:

üan,yuan, juan, quan, xuan

click above pinyin types for audio and video demonstration and more related Chinese words

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