wait 等 děng
waiting for someone 等人 děng rén
wait 等 děng |
people 人 rén |
standing by the roadside and waiting for someone 站在路邊等人 zhàn zài lù biān děng rén
stand 站 zhàn |
at 在 zài |
roadside 路邊 lù biān |
wait 等 děng |
people 人 rén |
wait 等 děng
wait for a moment 等一下 děng yí xià
wait 等 děng |
for a moment 一下 yí xià |
Please wait for a moment. 請你等一下 Qǐng nǐ děng yí xià
please 請 qǐng |
you 你 nǐ |
wait 等 děng |
for a moment 一下 yí xià |
wait a moment 等一等 děng yī děng
wait 等 děng |
once 一 yī |
wait 等 děng |
Would you please wait a moment 請你等一等 Qíng nǐ děng yī děng
Would you please 請你 qíng nǐ |
wait a moment 等一等 děng yī děng |
related lessons:
by the roadside 在路邊, at the riverside 在河邊
go to the seaside 到海邊, by the lakeside 在湖邊
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
Please come over for a moment 請你來一下
I have a problem here 我這裡有問題
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
Would you please hurry up 請你快一點
I am in a hurry 我趕時間
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
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