Let's Talk in Chinese Lessons Series
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Let's Talk in Chinese 20
Would you please hurry up 請你快一點
I am in a hurry 我趕時間
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Phrases and Vocabulary of the lesson today
Would you please hurry up 請你快一點 Qíng nǐ kuài yī diǎn |
Would you please 請你 qíng nǐ |
quick 快 kuài |
a little bit 一點 yī diǎn |
Would you please 請你 qíng nǐ |
please 請 qǐng |
you 你 nǐ |
a little bit 一點 yī diǎn |
a 一 yī |
little bit 點 diǎn |
I am in a hurry 我趕時間 Wǒ gǎn shí-jiān |
I 我 wǒ |
hurry 趕 gǎn |
time 時間 shí-jiān |
time 時間 shí-jiān |
time 時 shí |
between 間 jiān |
Would you please slow down a little bit 請你慢一點 Qíng nǐ màn yī diǎn |
Would you please 請你 qíng nǐ |
slow 慢 màn |
a little bit 一點 yī diǎn |
I am not in a hurry 我不趕時間 Wǒ bù gǎn shí-jiān |
I 我 wǒ |
not 不 bù |
hurry 趕 gǎn |
time 時間 shí-jiān |
Would you please wait a moment 請你等一等 Qíng nǐ děng yī děng |
Would you please 請你 qíng nǐ |
wait a moment 等一等 děng yī děng |
wait a moment 等一等 děng yī děng |
wait 等 děng |
once 一 yī |
wait 等 děng |
I don't have time now 我現在沒時間 Wǒ xiàn-zài méi shí-jiān |
I 我 wǒ |
now 現在 xiàn-zài |
have not 沒 méi |
time 時間 shí-jiān |
now 現在 xiàn-zài |
present 現 xiàn |
located 在 zài |