The following rhyming Chinese words are good reference for writing poetry, lyrics, and slogans:
u, wu
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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ū, ú, ǔ, ù
wū, wú, wǔ, wù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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bū, bú, bǔ, bù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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chū, chú, chǔ, chù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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cū, cú, cǔ, cù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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dū, dú, dǔ, dù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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fū, fú, fǔ, fù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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gū, gú, gǔ, gù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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hū, hú, hǔ, hù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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kū, kú, kǔ, kù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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lū, lú, lǔ, lù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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mū, mú, mǔ, mù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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nū, nú, nǔ, nù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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pū, pú, pǔ, pù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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rū, rú, rǔ, rù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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shū, shú, shǔ, shù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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sū, sú, sǔ, sù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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tū, tú, tǔ, tù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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zhū, zhú, zhǔ, zhù
related Chinese words
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of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words
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zū, zú, zǔ, zù
related Chinese words