work 工作 gōng-zuò
work 工 gōng |
do 作 zuò |
They are working. 他們正在工作 Tā-men zhèng-zài gōng-zuò
they 他們 tā-men |
in process of 正在 zhèng-zài |
work 工作 gōng-zuò |
working in the office 在辦公室工作 zài bàn-gōng-shì gōng-zuò
in 在 zài |
office 辦公室 bàn-gōng-shì |
work 工作 gōng-zuò |
They are working in the office. 他們正在辦公室工作 Tā-men zhèng-zài bàn-gōng-shì gōng-zuò
they 他們 tā-men |
in process of 正在 zhèng-zài |
office 辦公室 bàn-gōng-shì |
work 工作 gōng-zuò |
work 工作 gōng-zuò
labor 工 gōng |
do,act 作 zuò |
I like riding bicycle to work. 我喜歡騎車去工作 Wǒ xǐ-huān qí chē qù gōng-zuò
I 我 wǒ |
like 喜歡 xǐ-huān |
riding a bike 騎車 qí chē |
go 去 qù |
work 工作 gōng-zuò |
work 工作 gōng-zuò
work 工 gōng |
do 作 zuò |
work hard 努力工作 nǔ-lì gōng-zuò
exert oneself; effort 努力 nǔ-lì |
work 工作 gōng-zuò |
work hard to start over again 努力工作重新開始 nǔ-lì gōng-zuò chóng-xīn kāi-shǐ
exert oneself; effort 努力 nǔ-lì |
work 工作 gōng-zuò |
anew, afresh 重新 chóng-xīn |
start 開始 kāi-shǐ |
related lessons:
They are working in the office 他們正在辦公室工作
Those people are dancing on the stage 那些人正在舞台跳舞
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
I like you 我喜歡你
I like to travel with you
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
persist to the end 堅持到底
seize the opportunity 把握機會
get help, receive assistance 得到幫助
start over again 重新開始
work hard 努力工作
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
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