need 需要 xū-yào
need 需 xū |
want 要 yào |
Need help? 需要幫忙嗎 Xū-yào bāng-máng ma
need 需要 xū-yào |
help 幫忙 bāng-máng |
question tag 嗎 ma |
Do you need help? 你需要幫忙嗎 Nǐ xū-yào bāng-máng ma
you 你 nǐ |
need 需要 xū-yào |
help 幫忙 bāng-máng |
question tag 嗎 ma |
I need your help! 我需要你的幫忙 Wǒ xū-yào nǐ de bāng-máng
I 我 wǒ |
need 需要 xū-yào |
your 你的 nǐ de |
help 幫忙 bāng-máng |
related lesson:
May I help you? 我可以幫你嗎
I need your help! 我需要你的幫忙
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