how many 幾 jǐ
years of age 歲 suì
How old are you? 你幾歲 Nǐ jǐ suì
you 你 nǐ |
how many 幾 jǐ |
years of age 歲 suì |
I am 28 years old. 我二十八歲 Wǒ èr-shí bā suì
I 我 wǒ |
28 二十八 èr-shí bā |
years of age 歲 suì |
How old are you? 你今年幾歲 Nǐ jīn nián jǐ suì
you 你 nǐ |
this year 今年 jīn nián |
how many 幾 jǐ |
years of age 歲 suì |
I am 56 years old this year. 我今年五十六歲 Wǒ jīn nián wǔ-shí liù suì
I 我 wǒ |
this year 今年 jīn nián |
56 五十六 wǔ-shí liù |
years of age 歲 suì |
My husband is 40 years old this year. 我先生今年四十歲 Wǒ xiān-shēng jīn nián sì-shí suì
I 我 wǒ |
husband 先生 xiān-shēng |
this year 今年 jīn nián |
40 四十 sì-shí |
years of age 歲 suì |
related lesson:
How old are you? 你幾歲
How old are you? 你今年幾歲
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