girl 女孩 nǚ-hái
female 女 nǚ |
child 孩 hái |
The girl says that she is a princess. 這女孩說她是公主 Zhè nǚ-hái shuō tā shì gōng-zhǔ
this 這 zhè |
girl 女孩 nǚ-hái |
say 說 shuō |
she 她 tā |
is 是 shì |
princess 公主 gōng-zhǔ |
little girl 小女孩 xiǎo nǚ-hái
little 小 tán |
girl 女孩 nǚ-hái |
The little girl plays the piano very well 小女孩很會彈鋼琴 Xiǎo nǚ-hái hěn huì tán gāng-qín
little girl 小女孩 xiǎo nǚ-hái |
very good at 很會 hěn huì |
play piano 彈鋼琴 tán gāng-qín |
related lessons:
princess公主, prince王子, witch巫婆, angel天使
She is a princess. 她是公主
He is a prince. 他是王子
She is a witch. 她是巫婆
He is an angel. 他是天使
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
play piano 彈鋼琴, play guitar 彈吉他
play violin 拉小提琴, play the flute 吹笛子
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