fine weather 好天氣 hǎo tiān-qì
fine 好 hǎo |
weather 天氣 tiān-qì |
nice weather 天氣好 tiān-qì hǎo
weather 天氣 tiān-qì |
nice 好 hǎo |
Nice weather today 今天天氣好 jīn-tiān tiān-qì hǎo
today 今天 jīn-tiān |
weather 天氣 tiān-qì |
nice 好 hǎo |
sunny fine weather 晴朗好天氣 qíng-lǎng hǎo tiān-qì
sunny 晴朗 qíng-lǎng |
fine 好 hǎo |
weather 天氣 tiān-qì |
related lesson:
Nice weather today 今天天氣好
Bad weather today 今天天氣壞
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