face, confront 面對 miàn duì
face 面 miàn |
counter with 對 duì |
face the challenges 面對挑戰 miàn duì tiǎo-zhàn
face 面對 miàn duì |
challenge 挑戰 tiǎo-zhàn |
face all the challenges 面對所有挑戰 miàn duì suǒ-yǒu tiǎo-zhàn
face 面對 miàn duì |
all 所有 suǒ-yǒu |
challenge 挑戰 tiǎo-zhàn |
face with courage 勇敢面對 yǒng-gǎn miàn duì
courageous 勇敢 yǒng-gǎn |
face 面對 miàn duì |
Face all the challenges with courage. 勇敢面對所有挑戰 Yǒng-gǎn miàn duì suǒ-yǒu tiǎo-zhàn
courageous 勇敢 yǒng-gǎn |
face 面對 miàn duì |
all 所有 suǒ-yǒu |
challenge 挑戰 tiǎo-zhàn |
related lesson:
pursuit of dreams 追求夢想
sharing happiness 分享快樂
face the challenges 面對挑戰
keep the faith 保持信念
overcome difficulties 克服困難
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