Do you have.. 有沒有 yǒu méi yǒu
have 有 yǒu |
none 沒 méi |
have 有 yǒu |
Any questions? 有沒有問題 Yǒu méi yǒu wèn-tí
have 有 yǒu |
don't have 沒有 méi yǒu |
question 問題 wèn-tí |
Do you have time? 你有沒有時間 Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu shí-jiān
you 你 nǐ |
have 有 yǒu |
don't have 沒有 méi yǒu |
time 時間 shí-jiān |
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Any questions?
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Do you have time?
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