do not 不要 bú yào
no, not 不 bú |
must 要 yào |
Don't fabricate a story to deceive people. 不要編故事騙人 Bú yào biān gù-shì piàn rén
do not 不要 bú yào |
fabricate 編 biān |
story 故事 gù-shì |
deceive people 騙人 piàn rén |
Do not lie to me. 不要騙我 bú yào piàn wǒ
do not 不要 bú yào |
deceive, lie 騙 piàn |
me 我 wǒ |
related lesson:
listen to music 聽音樂
listen to stories 聽故事
tell stories 說故事
fabricate a story 編故事
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