Chinese pinyin words with
iong,yong, jiong, qiong, xiong
The following rhyming Chinese words are good reference for writing poetry, lyrics, and slogans:
iong, yong
click for video demonstration of each syllable of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words |
4-tune variations mp3 audio
iōng, ióng, iǒng, iòng
| related Chinese words |
click for video demonstration of each syllable of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words |
4-tune variations mp3 audio
jiōng, jióng, jiǒng, jiòng
| related Chinese words |
click for video demonstration of each syllable of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words |
4-tune variations mp3 audio
qiōng, qióng, qiǒng, qiòng
| related Chinese words |
click for video demonstration of each syllable of this pinyin structure and more related Chinese words |
4-tune variations mp3 audio
xiōng, xióng, xiǒng, xiòng
| related Chinese words |
other related rhymes:
rhyme: eng click for audio and video demonstration of this rhyme and more related Chinese words |
list of pinyin types:
beng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, keng, leng, meng, neng, peng, reng, seng, sheng, teng, weng, zeng, zheng click above pinyin types for audio and video demonstration and more related Chinese words |
rhyme: ing click for audio and video demonstration of this rhyme and more related Chinese words |
list of pinyin types:
ling, click above pinyin types for audio and video demonstration and more related Chinese words |
rhyme: ong click for audio and video demonstration of this rhyme and more related Chinese words |
list of pinyin types:
ong,weng, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong click above pinyin types for audio and video demonstration and more related Chinese words |