Eight Chinese Characters 八字
Convert your Birth Year, Month, Day, Hour into
Eight Chinese Characters 八字 in lunar calendar,
Heavenly Stem 天干, Earthly Branch 地支, Chinese zodiac animals
Heavenly Stem 天干, Earthly Branch 地支, Chinese zodiac animals
used in Feng Shui, Horoscope, Matchmaking, and Fortune Telling

Heavenly Stems 天干

Earthly Branches 地支

Chinese zodiac animals

Example for the Eight Chinese Characters 八字

(For only $5.00 donation, You will receive 1 PDF and 1 JPG file
for your Eight Chinese Characters as following examples:)

Eight Chinese Characters 八字
(click to view enlarged size image)

View the PDF file

The combination of
10 Heavenly Stem 天干
12 Earthly Branch 地支
forming a 60-year cycle period:


Thank You for Supporting my Chinese Database Site!

Submit Your Eight Chinese Characters Request!

(name for this Eight Chinese Characters)

(Please provide correct email
to receive your Eight Chinese Characters JPF/PDF files)


(the birth time is approximately divided into 12 sections a day: from 11pm-01am, 01am-03am, 03am-05am, 05am-07am, 07am-09am, 09am-11am, 11am-01pm, 01pm-03pm, 03pm-05pm, 05pm-07pm, p7pm-09pm, 09pm-11pm)

(any brief comment is welcome!)

Examples for Eight Chinese Characters

The list bellow contains the cases for people did not make the $2 donation,
and still want to get their Eight Chinese Characters 八字,
the webmaster Leo will create one for them occasionally for free.

Examples: Birth Year/Month/Day zodiac animal
20041114 2004/November/14 猴 Monkey
20030713 2003/July/13 羊 Sheep
20010817 2001/August/17 蛇 Snake
19990831 1999/August/31 兔 Rabbit
19970619 1997/June/19 牛 Ox
19931204 1993/December/04 雞 Rooster
19890320 1989/March/20 蛇 Snake
19820222 1982/February/22 狗 Dog
19780627 1978/June/27 馬 Horse