Traditional and classic Chinese calligraphic symbols, words, idioms and proverbs for your art design. Created by Andres Leo since 2001.
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Chinese zodiac animal signs
The Chinese zodiac is a classification scheme
that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes
to each year in a repeating 12-year cycle.

related section:
Chinese words for Animals, Beasts, Pets

zodiac sign; Chinese animal sign
zodiac sign
Chinese animal sign

Chinese Zodiac Sign

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
mouse, rat
mouse, rat

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 18th 1996, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Pig year, your Chinese zodiac is Pig, not Rat. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

鼠 Rat
2032/2/11 - 2033/1/30
2020/1/25 - 2021/2/11
2008/2/07 - 2009/1/25
1996/2/19 - 1997/2/06
1984/2/02 - 1985/2/19
1972/2/15 - 1973/2/02
1960/1/28 - 1961/2/14
1948/2/10 - 1949/1/28
1936/1/24 - 1937/2/10
1924/2/05 - 1925/1/23
1912/2/18 - 1913/2/05
1900/1/31 - 1901/2/18

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cow, cattle, ox, bull
cow, cattle, ox, bull

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 6th 1997, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Rat year, your Chinese zodiac is Rat, not Ox. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

牛 Ox
2033/1/31 - 2034/2/18
2021/2/12 - 2022/1/31
2009/1/26 - 2010/2/13
1997/2/07 - 1998/1/27
2009/1/26 - 2010/2/13
1997/2/07 - 1998/1/27
1985/2/20 - 1986/2/08
1973/2/03 - 1974/1/22
1961/2/15 - 1962/2/04
1949/1/29 - 1950/2/16
1937/2/11 - 1938/1/30
1925/1/24 - 1926/2/12
1913/2/06 - 1914/1/25
1901/2/19 - 1902/2/07

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 8th 1986, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Ox year, your Chinese zodiac is Ox, not Tiger. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

虎 Tiger
2034/2/19 - 2035/2/07
2022/2/01 - 2023/1/21
2010/2/14 - 2011/2/02
1998/1/28 - 1999/2/15
1986/2/09 - 1987/1/28
1974/1/23 - 1975/2/10
1962/2/05 - 1963/1/24
1950/2/17 - 1951/2/05
1938/1/31 - 1939/2/18
1926/2/13 - 1927/2/01
1914/1/26 - 1915/2/13
1902/2/08 - 1903/1/28

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rabbit, hare, bunny

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Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on January 28th 1987, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Tiger year, your Chinese zodiac is Tiger, not Rabbit. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

兔 Rabbit
2035/2/08 - 2036/2/27
2023/1/22 - 2024/2/09
2011/2/03 - 2012/1/22
1999/2/16 - 2000/2/04
1987/1/29 - 1988/2/16
1975/2/11 - 1976/1/30
1963/1/25 - 1964/2/12
1951/2/06 - 1952/1/26
1939/2/19 - 1940/2/07
1927/2/02 - 1928/1/22
1915/2/14 - 1916/2/02
1903/1/29 - 1904/2/15

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 16th 1988, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Rabbit year, your Chinese zodiac is Rabbit, not Dragon. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

龍 Dragon
2036/2/28 - 2037/2/14
2024/2/10 - 2025/1/28
2012/1/23 - 2013/2/09
2000/2/05 - 2001/1/23
1988/2/17 - 1989/2/05
1976/1/31 - 1977/2/17
1964/2/13 - 1965/2/01
1952/1/27 - 1953/2/13
1940/2/08 - 1941/1/26
1928/1/23 - 1929/2/09
1916/2/03 - 1917/1/22
1904/2/16 - 1905/2/03

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 5th 1989, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Dragon year, your Chinese zodiac is Dragon, not Snake. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

蛇 Snake
2037/2/15 - 2038/2/03
2025/1/29 - 2026/2/16
2013/2/10 - 2014/1/30
2001/1/24 - 2002/2/11
1989/2/06 - 1990/1/26
1977/2/18 - 1978/2/06
1965/2/02 - 1966/1/20
1953/2/14 - 1954/2/02
1941/1/27 - 1942/2/14
1929/2/10 - 1930/1/29
1917/1/23 - 1918/2/10
1905/2/04 - 1906/1/24

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Purchase This Symbol
(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on January 26th 1990, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Snake year, your Chinese zodiac is Snake, not Horse. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

馬 Horse
2038/2/04 - 2039/1/23
2026/2/17 - 2027/2/05
2014/1/31 - 2015/2/18
2002/2/12 - 2003/1/31
1990/1/27 - 1991/2/14
1978/2/07 - 1979/1/27
1966/1/21 - 1967/2/08
1954/2/03 - 1955/2/23
1942/2/15 - 1943/2/04
1930/1/30 - 1931/2/16
1918/2/11 - 1919/1/31
1906/1/25 - 1907/2/12

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sheep, goat
sheep, goat

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 14th 1991, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Horse year, your Chinese zodiac is Horse, not Goat. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

羊 Goat
2039/1/24 - 2040/2/11
2027/2/06 - 2028/1/25
2015/2/19 - 2016/2/07
2003/2/01 - 2004/1/21
1991/2/15 - 1992/2/03
1979/1/28 - 1980/2/15
1967/2/09 - 1968/1/29
1955/2/24 - 1956/2/11
1943/2/05 - 1944/1/24
1931/2/17 - 1932/2/05
1919/2/01 - 1920/2/19
1907/2/13 - 1908/2/01

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Purchase This Symbol
(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 3rd 1992, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Goat year, your Chinese zodiac is Goat, not Monkey. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

猴 Monkey
2040/2/12 - 2041/1/30
2028/1/26 - 2029/2/12
2016/2/08 - 2017/1/27
2004/1/22 - 2005/2/08
1992/2/04 - 1993/1/22
1980/2/16 - 1981/2/04
1968/1/30 - 1969/2/16
1956/2/12 - 1957/1/30
1944/1/25 - 1945/2/12
1932/2/06 - 1933/1/25
1920/2/20 - 1921/2/07
1908/2/02 - 1909/1/21

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chicken; Rooster

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on January 22th 1993, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Monkey year, your Chinese zodiac is Monkey, not Rooster. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

雞 Rooster
2041/2/01 - 2042/1/21
2029/2/13 - 2030/2/02
2017/1/28 - 2018/2/15
2005/2/09 - 2006/1/28
1993/1/23 - 1994/2/09
1981/2/05 - 1982/1/24
1969/2/17 - 1970/2/05
1957/1/31 - 1958/2/17
1945/2/13 - 1946/2/01
1933/1/26 - 1934/2/13
1921/2/08 - 1922/1/27
1909/1/22 - 1910/2/09

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(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on February 9th 1994, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Rooster year, your Chinese zodiac is Rooster, not Dog. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

狗 Dog
2042/1/22 - 2043/2/09
2030/2/03 - 2031/1/22
2018/2/16 - 2019/2/04
2006/1/29 - 2007/2/17
1994/2/10 - 1995/1/30
1982/1/25 - 1983/2/12
1970/2/06 - 1971/1/26
1958/2/18 - 1959/2/07
1946/2/02 - 1947/2/21
1934/2/14 - 1935/2/03
1922/1/28 - 1923/2/15
1910/2/10 - 1911/1/29

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Purchase This Symbol
(7 JPG or PNG calligraphic clip-art files for only $3.50)

Check your actual sign

The date start from the 1st day 春節 of Chinese lunar calendar.

The following birth dates are converted from Chinese lunar calendar. For example, if you were born on January 30th 1995, then according Chinese lunar calendar, it’s the last day of the Dog year, your Chinese zodiac is Dog, not Pig. Check the following list and find your actual zodiac sign!

豬 Pig
2043/2/10 - 2044/1/29
2031/1/22 - 2032/2/10
2019/2/05 - 2020/1/24
2007/2/18 - 2008/2/06
1995/1/31 - 1996/2/18
1983/2/13 - 1984/2/01
1971/1/27 - 1972/2/14
1959/2/08 - 1960/1/27
1947/2/22 - 1948/2/09
1935/2/04 - 1936/1/23
1923/2/16 - 1924/2/04
1911/1/30 - 1912/2/17

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the first earthly branch 地支; Mouse, Rat of the Chinese zodiac sign; 11 pm - 1 am of the ancient division of daily time
the first of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Mouse, Rat of the Chinese zodiac sign
11 pm - 1 am of the ancient division of daily time

the second of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Ox, Bull of the Chinese zodiac sign; 1 am - 3 am of the ancient division of daily time
the second of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Ox, Bull of the Chinese zodiac sign
1 am - 3 am of the ancient division of daily time

the third of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Tiger of the Chinese zodiac sign; 3 am - 5 am of the ancient division of daily time
the third of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Tiger of the Chinese zodiac sign
3 am - 5 am of the ancient division of daily time

the fourth earthly branch 地支, Rabbit of the Chinese zodiac sign; Rabbit of the Chinese zodiac sign; 5 am - 7 am of the ancient division of daily time
the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Rabbit of the Chinese zodiac sign
5 am - 7 am of the ancient division of daily time

the fifth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Dragon of the Chinese zodiac sign; 7 am - 9 am of the ancient division of daily time
the fifth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Dragon of the Chinese zodiac sign
7 am - 9 am of the ancient division of daily time

the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Snake of the Chinese zodiac sign; 9 am - 11 am of the ancient division of daily time
the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Snake of the Chinese zodiac sign
9 am - 11 am of the ancient division of daily time

the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Horse of the Chinese zodiac sign; 11 am - 1 pm of the ancient division of daily time
the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Horse of the Chinese zodiac sign
11 am - 1 pm of the ancient division of daily time

the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Goat, Sheep of the Chinese zodiac sign; 1 pm - 3 pm of the ancient division of daily time
the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Goat, Sheep of the Chinese zodiac sign
1 pm - 3 pm of the ancient division of daily time

the nineth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Monkey of the Chinese zodiac sign; 3 pm - 5 pm of the ancient division of daily time
the nineth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Monkey of the Chinese zodiac sign
3 pm - 5 pm of the ancient division of daily time

the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Rooster, Chicken of the Chinese zodiac sign; 5 pm - 7 pm of the ancient division of daily time
the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Rooster, Chicken of the Chinese zodiac sign
5 pm - 7 pm of the ancient division of daily time

the eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Dog of the Chinese zodiac sign; 7 pm - 9 pm of the ancient division of daily time
the eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Dog of the Chinese zodiac sign
7 pm - 9 pm of the ancient division of daily time

the twelfth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支; Pig, Boar of the Chinese zodiac sign; 9 pm - 11 pm of the ancient division of daily time
the twelfth of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Pig, Boar of the Chinese zodiac sign
9 pm - 11 pm of the ancient division of daily time

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