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qiang Mandarin pinyin mp3 vocabulary practice

Chinese pronunciation: qiang

the 1st tune, raising tune qiāng qiang~1
the 2nd tune, climbing tune qiáng qiang~2
the 3rd tune, curving tune qiǎng qiang~3
the 4th tune, dropping tune qiàng qiang~4


qiāng, qiáng, qiǎng, qiàng

qiang~1, qiang~2, qiang~3, qiang~4
chiang~1, chiang~2, chiang~3, chiang~4

Chinese characters pronunced

qiāng qiang~1

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Chinese characters pronunced

qiáng qiang~2

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Chinese characters pronunced

qiǎng qiang~3

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Chinese characters pronunced

qiàng qiang~4

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