If you could not find any Chinese words/phrases for your art design
Please contact with Andres Leo, he will try his best to translate and create a proper version for you.
The standard version is PNG transparent background format, with serval calligraphic fonts for art design.
The special service fee is $10 for one phrase,
Please contact Andres Leo:
long (distance, length)
measuring a great distance from end to end
check the related keyword:
long (time)
a long-distance running race
to conquer
go on an expedition
go on a long journey
to travel
to journey
make a journey over a
long period or a great distance
very far away
walk long distance
far, remote
endlessly long or vast
long way away
far and distant
traveling faraway
go on a long journey
journey to a distant place
long jump
broad jump
(in track and field)
long narrow strip or piece
something longer than its width
long narrow flag
a long, narrow strip of material
used as a decoration or symbol