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to have; own; to exist; there is
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traditional Chinese text:

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(The way of strokes are the same!)

The meanings in Chinese:

to have

to own

to exist

there is

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recommended words or phrases:


chaotic orderly; ordered chaos; organized mess; order within chaos; order within disorder
chaotic orderly
ordered chaos
organized mess
order within chaos
order within disorder

promising; act positively; showing signs of future success; capable of accomplishing things
act positively
showing signs of future success
capable of accomplishing things

successful; achieve success; produce successful results
achieve success
produce successful results

attentive; thoughtful; considerate; on purpose; intentionally; have a mind to

on purpose
have a mind to

valid; effective; efficacious; operative; having effect
having effect

helpful; beneficial; profitable; good for; useful
good for

likely; hopeful; probable; promising

favorable; beneficial; profitable; advantageous

strong; forceful; powerful; energetic; showing great vitality; vigorous and powerful; having great power or strength
showing great vitality
vigorous and powerful
having great power or strength

fortunately; lucky enough; have the honor; happening because of good luck
lucky enough
have the honor
happening because of good luck

So nice to meet you! be the most supreme a stroke of luck; count oneself most fortunate to get to know; It's the most fortunate thing to meet with you
So nice to meet you!
be the most supreme a stroke of luck
count oneself most fortunate to get to know
It's the most fortunate thing to meet with you

See you again; Be seeing you; We'll meet again some day
See you again.
Be seeing you.
We'll meet again some day.

rapport; serendipity; mutual affinity; destined affection; related to same karma; brought together by fate
mutual affinity
destined affection
related to same karma
brought together by fate

funny; amusing; humorous; interesting; fascinating; entertaining

persevering all the way; one must finish once starts something; carry out an undertaking from start to finish not to give up halfway
persevering all the way
one must finish once starts something
carry out an undertaking from start to finish not to give up halfway

indiscriminate education; education for everyone, irrespective of background; provide education for all people without discrimination
indiscriminate education
education for everyone, irrespective of background
provide education for all people without discrimination

God loves fools; Fortune favors fools; God sends fortune to fools; stupid is as stupid does
God loves fools.
Fortune favors fools.
God sends fortune to fools.
stupid is as stupid does

go through thick and thin together; share bliss and misfortune together; share happiness and suffering together; enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together
go through thick and thin together
share bliss and misfortune together
share happiness and suffering together
enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together

Fate brings people together thousand miles apart; Though born a thousand mile apart, souls which are one shall meet; there is some kind of predestined force that brings people together, even if they are from faraway places
Fate brings people together thousand miles apart.
Though born a thousand mile apart, souls which are one shall meet.
(there is some kind of predestined force that brings people together,
even if they are from faraway places)

Like father, like son; a son's character or behavior can be expected to resemble that of his father; a man or boy has the same attitudes as his father or behaves in the same way
Like father, like son.
a son's character or behavior can be expected to resemble that of his father
a man or boy has the same attitudes as his father or behaves in the same way

without; have not; don't have; there is not
have not
don't have
there is not

of the people, by the people, for the people
of the people,
by the people,
for the people

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