traditional Chinese text: 子
simplified Chinese text: 子
(The way of strokes are the same!)
The meanings in Chinese:
seed, egg
suffix after a noun
the first of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
Mouse, Rat 鼠 of the Chinese zodiac sign
11 pm - 1 am of the ancient division of daily time
the first of the twelve Earthly Branches 地支
used by the ancients in combination with the
ten Heavenly Stems 天干 to denote the
historical Chinese era of years, months, days
mice, mouse
Earthly Branches
Chinese zodiac animal signs
pronunciation: zi zi~0
pronunciation: zǐ zi~3
view the zi section for Mandarin pinyin practice!
calligraphic strokes animation:
multi-style calligraphic fonts for this symbol:
Item# 1073
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View example fonts for all seven calligraphic styles,
horizontal/vertical alignments, traditional/simplified Chinese
(7 PNG transparent files and 1 PDF illustration) in a folder.
You may also request regular JPEG format without extra charge.
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recommended words or phrases:
kids, children
son and daughter
children of parents
children and grandchildren
all future generations of people
silly child
silly boy, girl
naive and impractical youngster
children who leave their parents
person traveling far away from home
a gentleman
man of virtue
man of integrity
man of noble character
perfect and true gentleman
mother and son
mother and child
talented man
gifted male scholar
pride, honor, dignity, reputation
the third sign of the zodiac
Zhuang Zhou
Master Zhuang
team of women
female soldiers
army made up of women
steamed bun
steamed stuffed bun
steamed bun with stuffing
rice dumplings
glutinous rice tamale
sticky rice dumplings
left-handed person